Division Judging Committee (DJC) Applications
DJC Applications are now open! What is DJC you ask? Well, every year, there are 6 contests that clubs can submit for and these contests are judged on the division level. In order to judge these contests, each division is responsible to form a Division Judging Committee (DJC). This is a Division Committee that consists of members from various clubs. So that means applications are not only limited to officers, regular members can apply as well! They will act as the judges for all of the submissions the Division receives from these contests!
More details on the application requirements can be found on the application form itself, but here is an overview of the requirements and required forms.
To apply, you must complete the following requirements:
- Provided a minimum of 50 service hours by the time of your application
- Must be a dues-paid Key Club member
- Your club paid their dues by December 15th
In addition, you must complete two paper forms which you will be uploading onto this Google Form. You can access these two forms through the tinyURLs below.
- Division Judging Application Form: https://tinyurl.com/djcentf
- Waiver Form: https://tinyurl.com/djcwavf
THIS application form will close on Monday, December 27th at 11:59 PM. You can access the application form through this link: https://forms.gle/6ZWh5x2utM8e1hKt6